Organizational and Individual Endorsements

What does an endorsement imply?

By endorsing this campaign, your organization is committing to two actions:

  • You agree to have your organization's name be listed on this endorsements page.
  • You commit to notifying your membership and/or readership of the existence of this campaign, encouraging them to sign the divestment pledge.

Of course organizations are free to engage in organizational boycott and divestment activities. However, this particular campaign is focused on pledges from individuals. Therefore, an endorsement does not commit your organizaiton to a future boycott or divestment.

How does my organization endorse this campaign?

If your organization would like to endorse this campaign, please email us at Please include the name of your organization, the country, and (for local organizations) the city where you are based.


Current endorsements

This pledge campaign went public at the end of March 2012. We are just now starting to collect endorsements. The following represents a very preliminary list of initial endorsers. More will be added soon.

Antiwar, national

Antiwar, local/regional

Community Organizations

Electoral Organizations and Political Parties


Prominent Activists and Intellectuals(*)

  • Medea Benjamin, cofounder, CODEPINK, San Francisco, CA, United States

(*) Organizations listed for identification purposes only.

Please check out our latest video on Nike's last-minute boycott of the Iranian soccer team, two weeks before the World Cup -- pandering to Trump.

We would like to thank Counterpunch Magazine for listing us as their Website of the Day on 14 August 2012.